Freelance Planner
Rose Garden Templates
Ultimate Freelance Bundle to Become a Successful Freelancer!
✨Made by a Freelance Web Designer with over 5 years of experience!✨
Everything you need to lead a client's project from A to Z:
- Planning tools
- Client details
- Place to store your courses (and sort them!)
- A way to keep your life goals always in front of your eyes
- A way to keep track of your work process to improve it
- Book recommendations (a full library of entrepreneurship book recommendations)
- Full portfolio template (and an amazing case structure that will attract clients!)
All of this will help your freelance career go to the next level!✨
+Instructions included!
Ultimate Freelance Planner Bundle
Includes bonus #1:
Self-Employment Library
Includes bonus #2:
Full Portfolio Template With Detailed Cases Structure
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30-day money back guarantee